Do you want to know where Papa bear hangs out while Goldilocks (me) is sleeping? He is in my back yard eating apples off a tree that is less than 10 feet from my house. How do I know? Well, everytime he visits he leaves me a present. No, it isn't a jar of huckleberry honey with a bow tied fancy around the neck. It's a more natural present. It's a gift from within. Oh, do I have to spell it out?!? It's POOP! Big poop. Icky poop. If you must see it, you can click here (View this photo). Go ahead. I'll wait. Don't be mad at me. I told you it was icky.
I have been stalking trying to sneak a peek at Mr. Bear. I really, really want to see him. Mr. Handsome and the triplets saw him on the hill behind our house a few evenings back. On a different evening, Paige and Hailey had to stop on their way home from dance and let Mr. Bear cross the road. I get up in the black of night and peek out the window every time I hear a rustle in the bush or an apple fall from the tree. I've seen lots of deer, but no bear. It's so unfair! He's been to the tree at least five times because he's left his special present on five different occasions. He's very tricky!
I don't think I will get to see him this year. We have lots of signs like this up by our house.
The responsible thing for me to do would be to go out and pick the fruit from our tree. I think I will do that this sunny afternoon. Even though I've never seen Mr. Bear, I don't want him to get into trouble because he is used to humans. For now I will have to be content with his presents, not his presence. LOL! That was a joke. Did you get it?
I can see why Mr. Bear likes our apples. Apples are yummy. We don't eat the apples off of our tree because they are full of worms and don't quite get ripe enough for eating. We do eat the apples from my parents' tree, though. My mom and dad gave us a large quantity of Macintosh apples. Aren't they pretty?
I think Macs are the best baking apples ever. I have made a couple of not-so-pretty-but-very-tasty pies, a large pot full of applesuace, and a batch of applesauce cookies. Next up is caramel apples. YUM! To make up for that nasty picture of bear doo, I will share my applesauce cookie recipe with you.
Recipe for Applesauce Cookies
1/2 cup margarine 1 cup sugar
1 cup thin, hot applesauce 1 tsp soda
2 cups flour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp cloves 1/2 tsp allspice
1 cup raisins 1 tsp vanilla
Cream margarine and sugar. Add thin, hot applesauce and soda. Mix in dry ingredients. Stir in raisins and vanilla. Plop cookie-sized lumps on to greased cookie sheet. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 10-12 minutes. Cool on rack.
This is a family recipe. It is a good one. To thin and heat the applesauce, use 3/4 cup applesauce and 1/4 cup water. Heat for one minute in the microwave and then add soda. You will see science in action when you add the soda. I love that part.
Editor's Note: I am trying to get that poop link to work. Sorry to have published so many times. Cas
Another Editor's Note: Duh!!! I think I have finally figured it out. I was trying to link using Flikr, but I didn't want the icky picture to show up in my photostream. For some reason, a picture of poop seemed out of context in all the handmade goodness. I finally figured out how to link to the photo in typepad. Seems obvious now. Oh, well.