Oh, washi tape, you make my life better. My affinity for you runs deep.
I was using my phone with out a cover. Ummm...bad idea. In no time, I'd lost control, dropped it, and shattered the back. It looked ugly. Y'all know how I feel about ugly. Even worse, though, I kept getting glass shards in my fingers when I would use my phone. Glass shards = No fun. I like glass shards even less than I like ugly. Something had to be done.
Washi tape to the rescue! Not only does my phone look good but the tape protects my fingers too. It's a win/win. I love that.
I'm not sure this is a long term fix. It's been a few days and all is still well. Over time, though, I'm sure the tape would peel up. I could put my phone in a clear case and all would be protected and pretty. But guess what? I don't have a clear phone case. Guess what else? It doesn't matter. I have a phone update in one short week. WoHooo! All is well in the land of Go Girl!
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.