Posted at 07:00 AM in funny stuff, sewing | Permalink | Comments (11) | TrackBack (0)
'Tis tasty and pretty too!
No explanation. It would take too long. Just know that I've been having myself a bit o' fun.
Edit: Truth is I found the graphic for my uni-poo tag already on my computer. One of my girls had downloaded it from somewhere. Turns out that the artwork I used was drawn by the lovely Jessie from Cakespy. Check it out. I am in love and didn't even know it. I hope I haven't crossed any copyright-ownership-in-good-taste-lines here, Jessie. I love your shop and your graphics. Next time I am Seattle, I must visit.
Posted at 01:46 PM in funny stuff, just for fun | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
There has been some mischief afoot in the land of You Go Girl. A full investigation was conducted.
Follow-up: Victim of aforementioned crime spree has mitigated the damages caused by the vandal(s). She is very thankful that she put a stitch marker in her project to keep her stitches from unraveling. If she had failed to take such a precaution, she fears she would be filing a Missing Hat report in addition to the other charges.
Suspect is still holding tight to the Miranda rule.
Posted at 06:41 PM in crochet like crazy, funny stuff, wild things | Permalink | Comments (21) | TrackBack (0)
I am like a hamster on a wheel. I keep running and running but I'm getting nowhere. Does this ever happen to you? I have so many plans for loveliness zipping through my brain. There are bits and pieces of started projects scattered everywhere I look. Little voices in my head keep saying:
"You should make a skirt. Oh, craft a flower fairy. They're sooo cute. Hey, maybe you should stitch something out of knit fabric now that Jezzie is your friend. Winter is coming. Crochet some mittens, would you? Don't forget to start a doodle stitch. You're spending tons of time in the car. Wouldn't it be fun to hand-craft some felt ornaments? And, don't forget to learn to knit. You know you want to make that gorgeous felted bag you saw. Mr. Handsome's shirt needs a fix. You better hem your pants. A gal can only wear capris for so long in Montana. Are ever going to paint the shelves for Hailey's room? She is a senior, after all."
Stop it! Stop it! Creative schizophrenia. I have it. I go to my little studio to do something and I end up crying uncle. I leave my creative sanctuary and opt to do something totally mindless like changing the litter box or vacuuming under the couch cushions. The other day, I even made a batch of cookies. Yes. Me. In the kitchen. I'm telling you, it's bad, people. I've decided that today is the day to end this insanity. I'm going in and I'm not coming out until I've made something. Anything. Sheesh...
Posted at 03:36 PM in funny stuff, thoughts I think | Permalink | Comments (29) | TrackBack (0)
Whew! Let me take a little breath here. I feel like the mayor of Crazy Town...
Spring break, four birthdays, and Easter all in the same week. CRAZY. I tell you. C-R-A-Z-Y!
I have some handmade birthday goodness to share, but I can't show you just yet. I wrapped the little honeys before I snapped a picture. I'll show you the felty goodness soon.
Until then I've got a couple of other things I can share. These bags were custom orders. Well, one was a custom order. I made two so that there would be a selection for my customer to choose from. I planned to sell one to her and put the other one in my empty little Etsy shop. When I took the bags to her work place, she picked the one she liked and another lady in her office bought the other bag. SHAZAM! I love it when that happens.
Bag One...A little Anna Marie Horner fabric with a button flower detail...
And Bag Two...Mocha Carolina Chambray with a dragonfly detail...
She picked the dragonfly bag, just in case you are wondering.
That's all for now. I must get back to the birthday, Easter, Spring break celebrations. The girls are downstairs laughing wildly about some pictures they took in Photobooth on the Mac. I think I'm missing out on the insanity fun.
Up next today...Bowling. I haven't bowled since Ronald Reagan's first term as president. The shoes *ick* me out. But what's a mom to do. The triplets think it's a riot to bowl. You only turn twelve once so I'm off to knock over a few pins. Very few, I'm sure. Am I too old for gutter bumpers? Please say no...
Signing off from Crazy Town~
PS--Now you know why I have been so bad, bad, bad at responding to your comments and emails. I've read and enjoyed all of them. (All of them except that naughty, naughty spam that made its way into my comments. I hope none of you clicked on it.) Thanks, friends.
Posted at 08:38 AM in bags are the bomb, family, funny stuff, sewing | Permalink | Comments (14) | TrackBack (0)
My mom had a birthday yesterday. So I went to Target and bought one of these.
I had big plans for it. Instead of sliding a photo into the mug, I was going to make a mini-quilt, if you will, and slide it in. Brilliant! In my mind this was going to be so cool. So I perused my fabric. I selected a killer combination. I did a little measuring, a little cutting, a little sewing. I ended up with this.
I was quite pleased with myself. With eager anticipation, I snipped off the last thread and went to slide my masterpiece into the mug. Not going to happen!!
Fabric + Interfacing=Too thick.
Oh. Yes. A snit was in order... I roared my terrible roar and rolled my terrible eyes. I gnashed my terrible teeth and showed my terrible claws. There was even some snatching of hair. Until finally I said, "Be still." (Any WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE fans out there? I haven't seen the movie, but I love the book. It was a staple on the bookshelf in my classroom and in my girls' room.)
"Be a problem solver, not a problem maker," I told myself. I thought, and I thought, and I thought. I had to settle for the next best thing. I made a trip to Kinko's to make a colored copy of my masterpiece.
Not exactly what I had in mind, but it would have to do. I carefully cut out the counterfeit and slid it in the mug. As I said before, not quite my vision but what's a girl to do? I'm pretty sure my mom will still love it. Happy Birthday to the best mom on the planet...
Now what am I going to do with my mini-quilt masterpiece? It's the perfect shape for a small apron. Perhaps the the cat would like one? I'll be sure to post a picture if that's what I decide to do. LOL!
Posted at 03:11 PM in family, fun with fabric, funny stuff, sewing | Permalink | Comments (27) | TrackBack (0)
I should've been planting these.
Posted at 03:21 PM in bags are the bomb, doodle stitching, funny stuff, sewing, wild things | Permalink | Comments (19) | TrackBack (0)
I'm sorry to report that the elves have unionized. They can no longer independently contract out, nor could I afford one if they could. Santa is paying them well.
Not one to take no for an answer, though, I have improvised. Introducing Tink the Amazing Christmas Elf... See post below. Go ahead. I'll wait.
I'm not sure she'll be much help, but she is amusing. If cats could talk, I'm sure she'd be looking down her nose saying, "Really. Must you make me look like an idiot." Come on, Tink. Get in the spirit. It's funny. It really is.
All my girls want me to elf them. I don't think this is getting anything checked off my "to do" list, but it's hoot. A little elf happy dance is good fuel to get you through. Try it.
Posted at 10:55 AM in funny stuff | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
My fluffy, long-haired, calico, kitty is now an exotic, sleek, velvety, lioness, princess, cat. That's what we're telling her anyway. The white hair puffs on my dark olive colored carpet finally got to me. So did the occassional hair ball that she would cough up...Ewww! I didn't want anyone here at home to have to deal with such yuckies while I was in China. Before I left, I took her in for a hair cut. Here is the result.
At first, I though she looked comical. Now I kinda like it. I think she looks very avante-garde. She feels just like velvet. I'm sure that some ancient Egyptian culture would worship her as queen of the universe. To us, she is still just our calico cat, Tinkerbell, who is loved a whole bunch. Go kitty!
It should be noted that kitty is not real impressed with her new 'do'. She fakes a shiver every time I look at her. Since her makeover, she has not slept on the end of my bed at night, like she usually does, nor has she graced me with her presence in my sewing room. Maybe my absence will soften up her heart?
Posted at 07:00 AM in family, funny stuff | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)