This Birdie Sling was a custom order for a new mommy. She came to my home and selected her fabrics. I love that. It takes the pressure off of me to pick a perfect fabric combo for someone I don't know well. I think she was spot-on with her choices. Don't you?
This is the fourth time I've made a Birdie Sling. There was this one. And this one. And this one (View this photo) that I didn't get around to blogging because I thought you were probably sick of the fabric combo. Just so you know--The Birdie Bag came first. I was smitten with the combo and consumed with thoughts of pillowcases in this fabric the whole time I was making the bag!
Every time I make one of these bags I am surprised anew by a few things. You'd think I'd have a clue by now, but no. I am going to make a note to myself right here and now so I am not surprised next time.
- The Birdie Sling requires LOTS of fabric.
- The Birdie Sling needs TONS of interfacing that has to be ironed on one piece at a time. There is a benefit to all the interfacing, though. If you put your face close enough to the iron you can give yourself a steam facial. Just something to keep in mind...
- The Birdie Sling is a voracious CONSUMER OF CREATIVE TIME AND ENERGY.
- The Birdie Sling is HUGE. A small colony of squirrels could nest in there. Really.
- The Birdie Sling is OH. SO. LOVELY when it is all done.
Perhaps I won't be caught off guard next time by the size of the bag or the resources and time needed to make one.
Well, I'm off. We are enjoying day 4 of amazing spring weather. I am completely distracted and off-task because of it. There are rumors that it will end soon, like tomorrow soon. I'm going to get out there right now and soak in some sunshine on my vitamin D deficient limbs. Ahhh...Sunshine, I love you.
One more thing...What do you think of my picture? I am soooooo trying to make friends with Photoshop Elements. She's kind of a stuck-up little program. Not real friendly because she knows she has the goods. But I used a clipping mask today...Yeah, a clipping mask. After I figured it out, I whispered a quiet You Go Girl! to myself. I hope she didn't hear me.