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February 25, 2015


This is totally adorable. THanks so much for being part of the tour. I love how you changed him up and thanks so much for your nice words about the book. I signed up to get emails from your blog! Very cute over here!

I hate these exploitative blog hop book reviews. They are never bad for one. If you get paid for them, then they are not objective - you get paid to tell us they are good, if you don't get paid, then why not? Why should the book be marketed and only positively, for free. It is certainly exploitative of the reader. That is at least how I feel. It makes it worse somehow seeing all the names yet lined up to tell us how great this book is. Tell me about a book not at all to your taste and how the instructions weren't clear (for you - it's subjective), then I might not think it's a cheap conspiracy theory. That is the kind of review that is helpful.

I am not saying you didn't like the book personally, I'm sure you did and it actually looks nice but I am saying no one EVER says they don't or points out any faults. That is not how life works as we don't all like the same things. I once read a blog post where a reviewer was told only to review a book if she liked it. Otherwise to say nothing.

Sharon, I am so sorry you feel this way. For the record, I was not paid a dime for this review, nor was I told what to say. I was contacted by the publisher and asked to give a review if they sent me a copy. I agreed. If I had thought the book less than worthy upon receipt, I would not feature it on my blog. I was not bound to do so. You will also note that I took the time to make a project in the book so that I could give my honest opinion. I understand your skepticism but think it is harsh and cynical to assume that all positive book reviews have been bought. I am pleased to support a fellow artist/crafter by promoting their good work.

Well ... I was going to say how cute that book looks -- and your little bird is adorable. Wait. I WILL say it! That little bird has your signature style -- adorable.

And then I saw Sharon's comment. Very interesting. For me (and probably for you?) I can usually tell if I'll like the book before I sign up to do the tour. Sadly, I said no to a publisher once about one book (after doing a few) and I've never been asked again (by that publisher). It's not about getting paid (because I don't) but it's nice to get a copy of the book to use!

Anyway -- whatever gets us a post from our Favorite GO GIRL is ok by me!!!!

I Love your Peacock!
The colors/patterns, hair, feet and
oh, those beady eyes!

I love how your peacock came out. I do enjoy making birds and this book looks like a lot of fun with the different types of birds. I also have a sea themed bathroom, the seagull would be fun for that.


Love my bird friends, both real and stitched, felted, and embroidered by me and friends. Is there a cardinal? Gotta have this one!

Your peacock is adorable! I would love to try to make one.

Hello, I love your crochet, it is beauty, I love this colors, I follow your blog, I have a blog about crochet with free patterns and free crochet diagrams, visit me , hugs from Brazil.
Visite meu blog - Tita Carré - Crochet

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