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August 24, 2012


Oh fun!!!

Summer is fading in England... If it had ever arrived. Last night it was cold and this morning the windows have steamed up like they do every autumn day. Looks like you are having loads of fun long may it continue...

I have searched high and low for a head wrap pattern and can't find one!! I love your wrap with the button and am wondering if you could give me a general pattern for it. I have only been crocheting for a year so I am no expert by any means...and can't whip anything up without reading a pattern. Any help you could give me would be so appreciated!! Thanks - Melisa Topper Wisconsin

hi i am looking for a pattern that i can crochet a headband ear warmer that is like the one i just saw it is more narrow at both ends with a button and then you attach aflower want to make them for the teens in chgurch and also under previlged teens asap so i can get busy thanks

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