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November 10, 2011


Oh No! It might be time for an intervention. As B says ... "tell me what you want...what you really, really want" ... and then we'll tell you how to Fall In LOVE!!! Hello -- it's FABRIC. And we know you LOVE cute fabric!!! ;-D

You are also teasing us!

It can't always be love at first sight, sometimes you need to flirt for a while and get to know each other before anything comes out of it. I still wait for passion to develop between my first quilt attempt and me. Good luck!

I like what I see so far!

Flirting is fun when you are young -- at heart ---- that is---- soon you will be in love by the looks of what you have produced so far.

Be careful....flirting always leads to something when fabric is involved. True love hits the moment you snuggle under a completely finished, freshly washed quilt. After that it's all over.

oh cassie.
your fab choices are always the best.
and you are SOOOO gonna be in love.
call me, i'll sing spice girls to you and make you laugh! it's esp. funny since i have the vocal range of a walrus.
happy belated bday.
i had no idea!!!
i'm at a baby shower. i don't know most of the ppl here... i snuck off to the office to blog surg. i'm so bad!!!
okay... more later.
hugs and smooches.

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