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September 20, 2011


Oh. My. Gosh.

She's adorable! I'll bet all those girls are squealing with delight!

And how's the college transition going???

Welcome to you Olive; you are so lovely !

Nothing more fun than a new kitten. Olive is lovely and I'm sure will be hours of entertaiement for you for years to come. So so cute!

So cute - the wee thing!

Oh my gosh! Adorable! Congrats on your new family member!

O.K. this is the most cutest sweetest little face...... ever.....I have 8 kitties and I am telling you there is nothing like a kitten!!!!!!!! lucky you.....lucky Olive!!!

So stinkin' cute!!

Awwwwww! She looks like Patches, the cat I had when I was a kid.

Awwww, what a sweetie pie.

Oh mah gudness!!! I am in love, TOO!!! She's so precious!!!!! And what a beautiful, unique name you've given her!!! Thanks for sharing!

The sweetest!!!!! adorable little kitty!

Fluffy little thing, and cute.
You are one talented little missy!
Just adore the little coin purses (and the way you display them).


checking your blog every day waiting to see what your crochet project is!!! can't wait! how much longer?

What a cutie. We just added a crazy Frankie Boy to our household. No one is safe anymore... Say no more, say no more. Big kiss and purrrrrrrrrr to your little Olive.

Cute...cute....cute! I love kittens!!!

Awww. Congrats!

Awww...what a sweet lil' kitty!

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