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June 03, 2011


I was so afraid I would melt down at graduation during "Pomp and Circumstance". But, by the time my sons walked, (the middle of the alphabet) I was so sick of the repeated melody, I was fine!!

There are two things we can give our children... one is roots... the other wings!


What a great way to look at this moment in your life. I too have a graduating daughter (she just turned 18) and I just tell myself to be excited for a whole new chapter in our lives. Otherwise, I would boo-hoo all day long! Best wishes to your daughter as she begins her new journey!

Congratulations to Hailey - a double milestone!!

Congratulations to both! My DD is 17 and I swear last time I looked she was only just starting school!


She is BEAUTIFUL! And she can thank you for that. :o)

Awwww, Congratulations to you and your little sweetie! Boy, those 18 years just flew by, didn't they? I hope you've had a WONDERFUL weekend!

All I can say is "You Go Girl".
I also need to ask if you and your husband made one more baby, do you think it might come out ugly? From looking at all the pictures of your kids, your family looks like it needs some balance. Perhaps one more child, a little one that is not as drop dead gorgeous as the rest of them, might bring a little balance to your neck of the woods.
Congratulations to Hailey and congratulations to you on your mega-milestone. Carolina

cute!! congrats to you both! :)

Hooray! and a Hearty Congratulations!
What a beautiful young woman. You must be bustin' your buttons!


I'm sure you have already answered this question many, many times, but I am wondering if you sell your patterns. I sent you an e-mail last night, if you would respond that would be so great. You are so talented and I have grown to love your designs. Thanks so much.

Congratulations and all the best you your little big girl! I have a 3 year old girl and I know the time will fly by! Thank you for the inspirational words!

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