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January 19, 2011


Ooops...sorry for finding out the hard way. At any rate, that's a GORGEOUS purse. You have such a fab knack for fabric combos!

Very cute bag and fabrics. Thanks for the heads up on the correction!

How cute is that??!! Someday I will learn to sew like that. Beautiful!

Oh this is cute! How big is it finished? This might need to go in the "To Make" pile!

Love, love, LOVE this bag!!! I am sure your mom is thrilled with her 'worth the wait" Christmas gift!

Once again, the lesson here is "Communication is everything." Growing up my mother always told me that God could read my mind. Perhaps this was a ploy to get me to grow up thinking only "pure" thoughts. I am sorry to find out that when it was your turn there was that hips vs. lips miscommunication, but I am incredibly glad to see that the purse has hips rather than tacky lips. Carolina

I love the fabric combo. I think I 'need' to pick up her new book. It's always inspiring to leaf through her photos.

Hi! I love that bag!! What fabric did you use??

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