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June 12, 2010


What a cute project. I love the colors you use in your creative works, always lovely and cheerful.

Ooooooh! I will be looking forward to the Etsy premiere! I'd love a heads-up when you're ready to launch...just saying...

Beautiful clutch. It's on my "to do" list for a while now. Hope to get there soon!

I printed this pattern about a week ago, but haven't made it yet. Yours looks really cute! How fun to squeeze this project in between all the goings on going on in your nest!

I love the color combination you used! The floral with the stripe is cool.

Cassie, forgot to add...this little gathered clutch is lovely!!! Thanks so much for the link...now to just clear my way to the sewing machine...~Vicki

Love the colors! This looks fun...off to check it out! Hope you are having a good summer.

Oooh, can't wait to see what goodies you create! It IS a busy season, isn't it? Cute little clutch too!

Very cute! Thanks for linking, :)
I have that same orange/stripe fabric combo - it was one of the first fabrics I bought when I got back into sewing.

I DID! And it came out lovely:)

That is very cute! Thanks for sharing!

Finished mine this afternoon (well, it's for my sister) and it's SO CUTE!

what a great little clutch...this is going on my 'to do' list. Thanks Cassie. You're so great a color/fabric combos!

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