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February 02, 2010


Sometimes I really dislike having two addictions. Right now I'm really in a quilting mood, but every time I look at my stash, I see something else I want to knit. Sleep is so overrated!!!

Cute post!

lol cute. I have to restrict myself to sewing otherwise I would get myself overinvolved in hobbies.

You're SO funny! I feel like I'm caught between about 5 worlds and there's never enough time for any of them. Poor little purse. Loved but neglected!!!

I am always blown away by your attention to detail and craftsmanship! My seems never lay that flat or look so straight!

I love your wit! I confess there are many days that go by before I even step foot into my sewing room. Maybe I should get off of the computer now and go sew something? Yes!

Oh please don't put your yarn away! I am so anxious to see how it turns out. Can't you tell your patchwork piece that I am desperately waiting to see what you are doing with your crochet and it would be most impolite to keep me waiting? I am sure it will understand (I am sure it's a she because she has been waiting for you so patiently! A he would have made so much noise that you would have been forced to walk in to see where the noise came from!) Greetings from Germany

I feel your pain. I have to keep my fabric and yarn in two different rooms or it is like the Sharks and the Jets around here.

what the heck are you thinking?

heehee!! you crack me up!

You are all so funny ~ I needed this today! LOL

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