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October 10, 2009


Oh how cute! Love the little squirrel. So... smooth as snot, eh? haha. I still use DMC, but I don't embroider much and only seem to cross-stitch at Christmas so I'm guessing my stash is going to last the rest of my life. Your girls will definitely think you've gone mad if you let them loose in your floss bag! But what giddy glee for them. Guard your scissors with your life!

What a cute doodle!! It seems that the japanese have raised the bar on floss - I have heard that lecien is also amazing to use! Love your strategy of donating your dmc to the girls.

What a wonderful find! I haven't heard of the Cosmo threads so now I'm going to look for it next time. I really love your newest doodle! The squirrel and that tree trunk are the best. It's like a whimsical portrait. What are you going to do with this one? Very cool!!

I am so excited to hear about Cosmo, but now....where do we find this lovely stuff? In the city I have Hancock and Hobby Lobby. Or must I look online?

Now I know what to ask for for Christmas -- Cosmo in any color!

Love, love, love the oak leaves, squirrel and tree doodle. YOU, my girl, are the BOMB too!


Wow -- that little squirrel is adorable! Yes indeedy -- what to do with all that dmc??? And hmmmm....I find myself wondering if your bomb is the same as my bomb??? ;-)

Thanks for visiting my blog and I am so interested in trying the Cosmo floss!!! I have always just used the DMC, thinking that it is just as good as any. I know what you mean by the way it feels when pulling it through the fabric. Sometimes I feel like I'm yanking and pulling and tugging. I would love to experience some silky smoothy-ness!

I enjoyed looking through your blog....5 girls...wow! I have 4 boys and then we just got our baby girl 8 months ago!

HA! Slicker than snot!!! My dad has said that to me my whole life and now I find myself saying it too! Also, my mother my whole life has told me not to use her prized scissors to cut my paper growing up, and now I keep my fabric scissors kept away from my kids! Too funny.

I am so interested in that Cosmo! I get so angry when working with DMC. It can be so frustrating at times.

(This is my first time stopping by your blog and I just adore it!)

I've been working with dmc lately - not all that smooth :( I was trying to find a spot to buy Cosmo online but it's very hit or miss, not a lot of colors and I wanted a lot of them (I will post soon) I love love your doodle, and I hope your girls help you rid your dmc stash fast!

Adorable doodle stitchery, Love the cute little squirrel.. Can I ask where you find the cosmo thread? I don't own a lot of DMC and if I can find another thread that's better why not. I know Anne sutton from Bunnyhill Designs sells another type of DMC thread.

oo lovely! You just doodled that with your needle? you're amazing!

Where does one get Cosmo thread? it sounds wonderful!

Such a pretty embroidery.

Hee Hee! I've been wanting to try the Cosmo floss for awhile, but I can't decide which colors I want! Maybe ALL of em'! I know a website www.crabapplehill.com who carries it! They are awesome to work with too! Much luck....and maybe I just WILL order all of it!

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