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April 30, 2009


Great new space!! I love your cutting table and all that storage under it, not to mention the gorgeous fabric hiding it :) Good luck keeping it clean!

Wow, what a dream room! Looks like it gets good light and I love the french doors. Congrats!!

Your room looks beautiful! I need to get to work on mine now.....

I'm so jealous! Your studio is gorgeous!

Well it is beautiful and you deserve it so much. It turned out super lovely. I did a redo and took over a room traditionally used as a dining room about 18 months ago. It was blood sweat and tears getting Mr. Hive to relent and also help me repaint and redo. But it is wonderful and I love it. And the glass doors (like yours) look into the living room and it has the kitchen to the side. So yes. It must stay tidy. It gets cluttered during project making. I wish it was as pristine as the day I moved in but it stays fairly clean and that is good. It is an incentive to keep it that way having it in full view, pretty much. You'll love your new space. It has beauty with color and design. You must be really excited now to get in and start projects.

It's beautiful! Congratulations!!

I wouldn't do well with my sewing studio being the first thing people see. I'm sort of messy. Now that I think about it, I used to have my sewing area in my kitchen (a really long time ago when the kids were little) and I did really well at keeping it neat.

My husband redid my sewing studio while I was on a quilting retreat about a year and a half ago. It's pretty, but my best friend can't wait to get her hands on it and reorganize it for me. It drives her crazy that my fabrics are on shelves in the closet. She thinks they should be out so I can see them. I see you do that, too. I really love the look especially in the shelf of love.

It is beautiful, wonderful, fantastic! What a great space. I think I love the door best. You can be in your own room, but not cut off from the rest of the world. You really ARE a lucky, lucky girl. I hope you have many happy and productive hours in there! ☺

Wow, wow, wow! Do you keep checking that it's really there?

So envious of your attractive craft room!! I don't think I would ever want to leave - I love everything about it - the attractive display of fabric, the supply centre, the clever storage solutions - just lovely!!

I LOVE your new space! You have a great fabric stash!

What a great place to create! I love the fabric that you used to decorate. Good job!

This is a wonderful, wonderful space! Lucky you!

AWESOME space!! Good work!


greaaaaat studio ! i love it !

i just discovered your blog, and it's awesome ! thank you !

frosted glass? use Contact paper

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