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April 07, 2009


Zinny is awesome -- VERY rock star!!!

Too cute!

Rachael sleeps with Zinny and her chicken every night. And now she has to softies that she has to take almost everywhere. Thanks for the darling zebra. Rachael loved the story about Pearl/aka Zinny.

Pearl is too cute!


I don't remember how I found your blog...but I love it! You make adorable things and I especially love your most recent little zebra sock doll. I have an 18 month old girl that would love one of those and I was wondering where you got the pattern or if you made it up? Do you have/sell the pattern? Great job...Pearl is adorable!!!


Zinny definitely works! She's great! Hope you've had a great Easter x

Aw, she is soooo cute!!

She is sooo cute! I would love one for me cause she so totally rocks! It doesn't get any better than hair like that!

I just wanted to comment and let you know that I love the name Pearl. It was my grandmother's name and now it is my daughter's middle name. It will forever have a special place in my heart - glad to hear someone else thinks it's pretty cool too.

you have such a pretty blog, you make the cutest things! I love it :)

I know this post is almost a year old, but I just found your blog today, and I'm explorin' around. This is SO cute! I went to your etsy store to see if you had any for sale, but no luck. Are they special order only?

I too am interested in possibly 2 of these beauties. Would you be able to make me a couple and what would be the cost? Please email me using Zinny the Zebra or Pearl the Rock Star in the subject line.


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