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December 02, 2008


Cassie I can feel your pain. My good friend was Coke, never seen me without one...I haven't had one since Thanksgiving day. Sure I miss it, but I am feeling much better without all that in my system...Sigh...But we can pull through this.

thanks for sharing,


We are in the midst of Christmas decorating as well. The tree is up, I need to work on the mantle now. I love Christmas, it truly is the happiest time of the year : )

I hear you about the Dr. Pepper. My vice is coffee. I just LOVE it. I think it may be a factor in my recurrent bladder infections. I just don't think I can give it up though. I have cut down to only one cup in the morning, but I NEED that one cup lol

Love the bag, I didn't realize it was so big.

What in the world would I do without diet mt dew! I don't know. I don't want to know. Good for you though- strength! Love the bag!

Love that bag!!! You always pick the best fabric combos. I feel your DDP pain -- I kicked the DP habit about 6 weeks ago. Sort of. I do allow myself one every few days or so if I feel like it. The big goal was to get off of the 4 can a day habit and I did. Have you replaced it with anything? I'm drinking more water and learning to drink a little tea 'cause everyone says it's so good for you. Congrats!

Hi Cassie-
I stopped drinking soda 7 years ago when we got married. It was one of those things my husband and I decided to cut out so that our kids wouldn't be as addicted to it as we were. It helped me to lose about 10 pounds, but now the kids get over the top excited when we dine out because it's a treat to get soda.

Anyways, I have the Birdie Sling Pattern that I've been staring at, but too afraid to try. Maybe if I get stuck along the way, I can just ask you...:) Yours turned out just beautiful!

I love how your birdie sling turned out! Great job. I'm not quite ready for Christmas yet, but slowly getting there. At least we have started our Advent calendar. Giving up soda is really hard. I gave up Diet Coke awhile ago.

I gave up Diet Coke awhile ago and I don't really miss it. But it tastes so good when I do have one.

Love how the birdie sling bag turned out!

The bag is so cute! I love the deco rose prints.

I gave up carbonated drinks about 23 years ago and once some time goes by they will taste horrid if you ever try one again. Sweet as syrup. You'll still miss what you remember them to taste like but they'll never taste that way again. It's better for you really...good decision.

Another fantastic bag!! In my favourite colours, green and pink :) Good luck with the Dr Pepper fast - sounds like you're doing well. Not sure I could last if there was a can sitting in the fridge though - what self control!! Have a good week.

Hi Cassie...I thought I posted here already but my message is gooone!!!
I'm baccck :D
I love your bag and good on you for giving up softdrink...it's a biggie.
I have tagged you...I hope this is ok...let me know.
Robyn xx

gave up your soda?
:applauds you fervently
i KNOW how hard it is to give up soda. diet pepsi and i were like *this*
:crosses two fingers together.
after fainting into the street, and the ambulance arriving...
paramedic: have you had any water today miss?
me: no
paramedic: did you have any water yesterday?
me: no
paramedic: have you had any water this WEEK?
me: does brushing my teeth count?
paramedic: no.
me: does diet pepsi count?
paramedic: NO!!!!!!!
me: i haven't had any water this YEAR

anyway,i drink water now and diet pepsi tastes like chemicals. i guess, because it IS chemicals...but we had a long, loving relationship. i totally feel your pain. hang in there, it gets easier.

gave up your soda?
:applauds you fervently
i KNOW how hard it is to give up soda. diet pepsi and i were like *this*
:crosses two fingers together.
after fainting into the street, and the ambulance arriving...
paramedic: have you had any water today miss?
me: no
paramedic: did you have any water yesterday?
me: no
paramedic: have you had any water this WEEK?
me: does brushing my teeth count?
paramedic: no.
me: does diet pepsi count?
paramedic: NO!!!!!!!
me: i haven't had any water this YEAR

anyway,i drink water now and diet pepsi tastes like chemicals. i guess, because it IS chemicals...but we had a long, loving relationship. i totally feel your pain. hang in there, it gets easier.

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